- 每个worker(工作进程)创建一个Lua VM,worker内所有协程共享VM;
- 将Nginx I/O原语封装后注入 Lua VM,允许Lua代码直接访问;
- 每个外部请求都由一个Lua协程处理,协程之间数据隔离;
- Lua代码调用I/O操作等异步接口时,会挂起当前协程(并保护上下文数据),而不阻塞worker;
- I/O等异步操作完成时还原相关协程上下文数据,并继续运行
要学会openResty必须要熟记的一张图,熟记!熟记!!熟记 !!!
1.1 lua_capture_error_log <未知>
语法: lua_capture_error_log size
默认: none
模块: http
1.2 lua_use_default_type
语法: lua_use_default_type on | off
默认: lua_use_default_type on
模块: http, server, location, location if
1.3 lua_malloc_trim <未知>
语法: lua_malloc_trim <request-count>
默认: lua_malloc_trim 1000
模块: http
1.4 lua_code_cache
语法: lua_code_cache on | off
默认: lua_code_cache on
模块: http, server, location, location if
启用/禁止缓存,在*_by_lua_file指令中的lua代码;例如(set_by_lua_file , content_by_lua_file, rewrite_by_lua_file, access_by_lua_fil)
1.5 lua_regex_cache_max_entries
语法: lua_regex_cache_max_entries <num>
默认: lua_regex_cache_max_entries 1024
模块: http
用于限制 缓存,, 和中带 -o 的正则表达式的数量。如果缓存的正则表达式超过该数量,则在日志中有warn的日志报警。
1.6 lua_regex_match_limit <未知>
语法: lua_regex_match_limit <num>
默认: lua_regex_match_limit 0
模块: http
1.7 lua_package_path
语法: lua_package_path <lua-style-path-str>
默认: The content of LUA_PATH environment variable or Lua’s compiled-in defaults.
模块: http
lua_package_path "/data/www/openresty/resty/?.lua;/data/www/openresty/lor/?.lua;;";
tips 01 :此处定义了lua require搜索.lua文件的跟目录。
1.8 lua_package_cpath
语法: lua_package_cpath <lua-style-cpath-str>
默认: The content of LUA_CPATH environment variable or Lua’s compiled-in defaults.
模块: http
lua_package_cpath "/data/www/openresty/resty/?.so;/data/www/openresty/lor/?.so;;";
tips 01 :此处定义了lua require搜索.so文件的跟目录。
1.9 init_by_lua_block、init_by_lua_file
语法: init_by_lua_block { lua-script }
语法: init_by_lua_file <path-to-lua-script-file>
模块: http
运行阶段: loading-config
1.10 init_worker_by_lua_block、init_worker_by_lua_file
语法: init_worker_by_lua_block { lua-script }
语法: init_worker_by_lua_file <lua-file-path>
模块: http
运行阶段: starting-worker
1.11 set_by_lua_block、set_by_lua_file
语法: set_by_lua_block $res { lua-script }
语法: set_by_lua_file $res <path-to-lua-script-file> [$arg1 $arg2 …]
模块: server, server if, location, location if
1.12 content_by_lua_block、content_by_lua_file
语法: content_by_lua_block { lua-script }
语法: content_by_lua_file <path-to-lua-script-file>
模块: location, location if
1.13 rewrite_by_lua_block、rewrite_by_lua_file <未知>
语法: rewrite_by_lua_block { lua-script }
语法: rewrite_by_lua_file <path-to-lua-script-file>
模块: http, server, location, location if
执行阶段: rewrite tail
注意,在使用rewrite_by_lua_*时,开启rewrite_log on;后也看不到相应的rewrite log。
1.14 access_by_lua_block、access_by_lua_file
语法: access_by_lua_block { lua-script }
语法: access_by_lua_file <path-to-lua-script-file>
模块: http, server, location, location if
执行阶段: access tail
1.15 header_filter_by_lua_block、header_filter_by_lua_file
语法: header_filter_by_lua_block { lua-script }
语法: header_filter_by_lua_file <path-to-lua-script-file>
模块: http, server, location, location if
执行阶段: output-header-filter
1.16 body_filter_by_lua_block、body_filter_by_lua_file
语法: body_filter_by_lua_block { lua-script-str }
语法: body_filter_by_lua_file <path-to-lua-script-file>
模块: http, server, location, location if
执行阶段: output-body-filter
1.17 log_by_lua_block、log_by_lua_file
语法: log_by_lua_block { lua-script }
语法: log_by_lua_file <path-to-lua-script-file>
模块: http, server, location, location if
执行阶段: log
1.18 balancer_by_lua_block、balancer_by_lua_file
语法: balancer_by_lua_block { lua-script }
语法: balancer_by_lua_file <path-to-lua-script-file>
模块: upstream
执行阶段: content
1.19 lua_need_request_body
语法: lua_need_request_body <on|off>
默认: off
模块: http, server, location, location if
执行阶段: depends on usage
1.20 ssl_certificate_by_lua_block、ssl_certificate_by_lua_file
语法: ssl_certificate_by_lua_block { lua-script }
语法: ssl_certificate_by_lua_file <path-to-lua-script-file>
模块: server
执行阶段: right-before-SSL-handshake
1.21 ssl_session_fetch_by_lua_block、ssl_session_fetch_by_lua_file
语法: ssl_session_fetch_by_lua_block { lua-script }
语法: ssl_session_fetch_by_lua_file <path-to-lua-script-file>
模块: http
执行阶段: right-before-SSL-handshake
1.22 ssl_session_store_by_lua_block、ssl_session_store_by_lua_file
语法: ssl_session_store_by_lua_block { lua-script }
语法: ssl_session_store_by_lua_file <path-to-lua-script-file>
模块: http
执行阶段: right-after-SSL-handshake
1.23 lua_shared_dict
语法: lua_shared_dict <name> <size>
默认: no
模块: http
执行阶段: depends on usage
1.24 lua_socket_connect_timeout、lua_socket_send_timeout、lua_socket_read_timeout
语法: lua_socket_connect_timeout <time>
语法: lua_socket_send_timeout <time>
语法: lua_socket_read_timeout <time>
默认: lua_socket_connect_timeout 60s
默认: lua_socket_send_timeout 60s
默认: lua_socket_read_timeout 60s
模块: http, server, location
1.25 lua_socket_send_lowat
语法: lua_socket_send_lowat <size>
默认: lua_socket_send_lowat 0
模块: http, server, location
1.26 lua_socket_buffer_size
语法: lua_socket_buffer_size <size>
默认: lua_socket_buffer_size 4k/8k
模块: http, server, location
1.27 lua_socket_pool_size
语法: lua_socket_pool_size <size>
默认: lua_socket_pool_size 30
模块: http, server, location
1.28 lua_socket_keepalive_timeout
语法: lua_socket_keepalive_timeout <time>
默认: lua_socket_keepalive_timeout 60s
模块: http, server, location
1.29 lua_socket_log_errors
语法: lua_socket_log_errors on|off
默认: lua_socket_log_errors on
模块: http, server, location
1.30 lua_ssl_ciphers
语法: lua_ssl_ciphers <ciphers>
默认: lua_ssl_ciphers DEFAULT
模块: http, server, location
1.31 lua_ssl_crl
语法: lua_ssl_crl <file>
默认: no
模块: http, server, location
1.32 lua_ssl_protocols
语法: lua_ssl_protocols [SSLv2] [SSLv3] [TLSv1] [TLSv1.1] [TLSv1.2]
默认: lua_ssl_protocols SSLv3 TLSv1 TLSv1.1 TLSv1.2
模块: http, server, location
1.33 lua_ssl_trusted_certificate
语法: lua_ssl_trusted_certificate <file>
默认: no
模块: http, server, location
1.34 lua_ssl_verify_depth
语法: lua_ssl_verify_depth <number>
默认: lua_ssl_verify_depth 1
模块: http, server, location
1.35 lua_http10_buffering
语法: lua_http10_buffering on|off
默认: lua_http10_buffering on
模块: http, server, location, location-if
1.36 rewrite_by_lua_no_postpone
语法: rewrite_by_lua_no_postpone on|off
默认: rewrite_by_lua_no_postpone off
模块: http
1.37 access_by_lua_no_postpone
语法: access_by_lua_no_postpone on|off
默认: access_by_lua_no_postpone off
模块: http
1.38 lua_transform_underscores_in_response_headers
语法: lua_transform_underscores_in_response_headers on|off
默认: lua_transform_underscores_in_response_headers on
模块: http, server, location, location-if
1.39 lua_check_client_abort
语法: lua_check_client_abort on|off
默认: lua_check_client_abort off
模块: http, server, location, location-if
1.40 lua_max_pending_timers
语法: lua_max_pending_timers <count>
默认: lua_max_pending_timers 1024
模块: http
1.41 lua_max_running_timers
语法: lua_max_running_timers <count>
默认: lua_max_running_timers 256
模块: http
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